Welcome to 

St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church

Upcoming in the parish:

The office will be closed Fri. March 14th and Mon. March 17th. If there is an emergency, please call Father Glen at 307-286-3179.

Friday’s during lent

Stations of the cross—bi-lingual-----6pm

Soup and bread-----6:30pm

March 7th-----ECCW

March 14th-----OLG

March 21st-----CCD

March 28th-----Parish & Finance Councils

April 4th-----Morning Mass People

April 11th-----Walking with a Purpose

Viernes durante la Cuaresma
Vía Crucis—bilingüe-----6:00
Sopa y pan-----6:30
7 de marzo-----ECCW
14 de marzo-----OLG
21 de marzo-----CCD
28 de marzo----- consejos parroquiales y de finanzas
4 de abril----- la mañana de la gente
11 de abril-----caminando con un propósito


Sat, March 8th, at St. Mary Magdalen @ 9:00 am

Sat, March 15th, at St. Helen's @ 10:00 am

Sat, March 22nd, at St. Mary Magdalen @ 9:00 am

Sat, March 29th, at St. Helen's @ 10:00 am

Sat, April 5th, at St. Mary Magdalen @ 9:00 am

Sat. April 12th, at St. Helen's @ 10:00 am

Misas de los sábados por la mañana

Sábado, 15 de marzo, en St. Helen's @ 10:00 am
Sábado, 22 de marzo, en Santa María Magdalena  @ 9:00 am
Sábado, 29 de marzo, en St. Helen's @ 10:00 am
Sábado, 5 de abril, en Santa María Magdalena @ 9:00 am
Sábado, 12 de abril, en St. Helen's @ 10:00 am


Parish Council meeting this coming Thurs. March 13th, at 6:00 pm in the Rectory.



 New office email is officestmm@dcwy.org

Office hours: Mon, Tue, Thurs and Fri    10:30am to 3:30pm

In case of an emergency, call the office at 307-789-2189 

El nuevo correo electrónico de la oficina es officestmm@dcwy.org

En caso de una emergencia, llame a la oficina al 307-789-2189 


Saturday English Mass                        4:15 PM

Sunday English Mass                          9:00 AM

Sunday Spanish Mass                         5:00 PM

Daily Mass                                           9:00 AM (No daily Mass on Tuesdays)

Holy Days                                           

Confession:                                         Saturday's   3:00 PM- 4:00 PM

First Saturday of the month:                9:00 AM






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St. Mary Magdalen/St. Helen

myParish App

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Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service


The Diocese of Cheyenne is committed to assisting survivors of sexual abuse and their families through therapy and treatment. Please consider donating to the Shalom Fund, established in 2018 by Bishop Steven Biegler.


To donate visit www.dioceseofcheyenne.org and select the Shalom Fund button or send a donation to the Diocese of Cheyenne (marked Shalom Fund), PO Box 1468, Cheyenne, WY 82003.



We are Catholic men who lead, serve, protect and defend. We share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors and role models and to put charity and community first.

To know more about becoming a Knight of Columbus, please contact Sir Knight, Jimmy Montoya at jmontoya@dcwy.org or call 307-677-2438